Full Pass – Proud sea shells

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Level description: Proud sea shells🐚

You certainly bounce around with the tides as well as on the dance floor! After some years of swing dancing, it is a part of your life. You’ve often gone to socials and have likely attended Lindy Hop festivals before. Comfortable with slow and medium tempos, you effortlessly execute swing outs and various Lindy moves. While you enjoy improvisation, mastering rhythms into your movement requires focus. With a broad vocabulary of Lindy moves, you’re exploring connection, styling, musicality, and rhythm variations. In partner dance, leads determine the majority of the dance, but follows also take their chance to do some variations. It gets easier to keep an eye on your surroundings and you can have short chats with your dance partner. You start to take opportunities to mix up moves, steal and mess around a bit. This track offers a mix of conceptual and moves-based classes for dancers at your level, providing new material and creative challenges.

Are you joining The Mess Around with a dance partner? Then one of you can register you with a couple ticket.