Full Pass – Hidden Pearls

Full pass ticket

A full pass contains:

  • 5 international teachers
  • 8,5 hours of classes
  • 1 class with live music
  • 3 parties with live bands

Level description: Hidden pearls 🫧

Ready to show your shine? Let’s do it! You’re beyond the beginner stage, feeling confident on the social dance floor. This might even be your first international festival! You’ve got the basics down – 6 & 8-counts, Lindy circle, Charleston, and swing outs. Improvisation and rhythm incorporation are still challenges, but you’re eager to learn. In partner dance, the lead still shapes the dance. You mostly concentrate on the moves which makes it hard to have a chat with your partner and might result in bumping into others on crowded dance floors. This track is perfect for improving your skills and your connection with your partner, your groove and musicians!